The Students

Offering a change of scene from their regular schooling, teachers at Dramatic English will find Hong Kong kids eager to participate, committed, and always open to learn new skills.

The local teaching style is very firm and disciplined. As a Drama teacher, you will find yourself competing with this, as you can’t have that kind of passive behavior on a stage. However, it pays off, and when the kids open up they are wonderful to work with, showing that they are smart, creative, funny, super grateful, and often extremely well-behaved.


Kindergarten students holding their certificates after a successful performance of “Little Red Hen” for parents

Drama isn’t something that many students in Hong Kong have the opportunity to do, as most schools do not have a dedicated drama department. Even fewer have an English drama department. Whilst drama can be a language that transcends verbal communication, giving the students the opportunity to practically utilize and apply their English is invaluable. It gets them out of the classroom, and allows them to deepen their knowledge in a safe, engaging environment.

Though not all of our teachers teach drama, they still utilize dramatic elements in their classes. Though every school has a Native English Teacher (NET), their lessons are generally quite standard, and delivered using traditional classroom methods, i.e. the teacher imparts knowledge on the student who is the blank slate,

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