An Early Childhood Program,

based on Neuroscience research findings,

applying Drama Techniques to stimulate the brain development,

Designed for the First 1000 days of children.


Our program comprises:

  • Playgroups designed for the First 1000 Days
  • Pre-Nursery and Kindergarten programs that have this concept well integrated
  • First 1000 Days Mothers Club
  • More events and programs to come

Watch a TED talk on First 1000 Days:

Aims and Focus of for the First 1000 Days Playgroup

To stimulate the activities of a child’s brain while it’s in the fastest growing and most sensitive period, which could determine the rest of the child’s life. Drama techniques will be applied through story telling and interaction to stimulate a child’s language development, hearing development as well as emotional control. We will also apply the use of colours and other stage design elements to stimulate a child’s vision development. Courses will be organized for mothers as well as for nannies and helpers.

The Playgroup curriculum will cover these areas:

  • Language
    • English
    • Chinese
  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Emotional Control
  • Habitual ways of Responding
  • Conceptualization (Symbols)
  • Nutrition and Physical Development

Moving on to the First 2000 Days

To further stimulate the activities of a child’s brain and to strengthen the most important cognitive areas of development of the child. Our Pre-Nursery and Kindergarten programs shall cover these areas. Drama will be further integrated into the curriculum to strengthen a child’s self confidence, presentation and communication skills, team spirit and emotional quotient, and their creativity:

  • Communication and Languages
    • English Literacy
    • Chinese Literacy
    • Mathematics and Coding
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    • Understanding the World via STEM
    • Expressive Art and Design
    • Drama and Performing Arts
  • Nutrition and Physical Development

Some Research Findings:

1.The Heckman Curve. It shows the rate of economic return on investment during the different period of lives. It shows the economic benefits of investing early and building skill upon skills to provide greater success to more children and greater productivity and reduce social spending for society.

未命名 3Professor James Heckman is a Nobel Memorial Prize winner in economics and an expert in the economics of human development.

2.neuroscience (Neurons and Synapses) research findings

At birth, a baby’s brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way, and almost all the neurons the brain will ever have. …

A child’s senses report to the brain about her environment and experiences, and this input stimulates neural activity. Speech sounds, for example, stimulate activity in language-related brain regions. If the amount of input increases (if more speech is heard) synapses between neurons in that area will be activated more often….

Repeated use strengthens a synapse. Synapses that are rarely used remain weak and are more likely to be eliminated in the pruning process. Synapse strength contributes to the connectivity and efficiency of the networks that support learning, memory, and other cognitive abilities. Therefore, a child’s experiences not only determine what information enters her brain but also influence how her brain processes information….

The excess of synapses produced by a child’s brain in the first three years makes the brain especially responsive to external input. During this period, the brain can “capture” experience more efficiently than it will be able to later….

Synaptic density in the prefrontal cortex probably reaches its peak during the third year, up to 200 percent of its adult level. …

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Early brain development is the foundation of human adaptability and resilience, but these qualities come at a price. Because experiences have such a great potential to affect brain development, children are especially vulnerable to persistent negative influences during this period. On the other hand, these early years are a window of opportunity for parents, caregivers, and communities: positive early experiences have a huge effect on children’s chances for achievement, success, and happiness.

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Source: The Urban Child Institute

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